21 October 2016
1h 30′
Studio hall
The drama is part of the German 20th century wave of theatrical facing with the past and can also be interpreted as a contemporary critique of the post-second world war German recommencement infused with grotesque humor which was adapted to the stage actors to their own Central Eastern European context. Viewers are treated to three stories and three family histories.
Through the production the
creators are searching for the answers to such questions as is any kind of
beginning anew possible without first dealing with the past or do our past
mistakes eventually always take over our present lives? The actors all portray
characters who struggle with some sort of personal of collective history all
the while maintaining the false premise that our repression filled lives are
Boy A, Brim, Frau Alberti, Fred
Boy B
Boy C, Übür, Kirk, The Greek
Rita, Helga, Marie
Hans Rudi, BRAX, Friedel
Luzi, Irene, Natalie
Set and costume design:
Bajkó Blanka Alíz
Lovassy Cseh Tamás
Bocsárdi Magor
Directed by: Botos Bálint